How to Prevent, Stop, Reverse Memory
Loss & Dementia


Barbara Ann just wasn’t the same…On her way to work she’d forget her exit, get lost, and show up late, she sometimes didn’t recognize coworkers. Couldn’t remember reports she’d read. And would forget things her boss told her to do. At home, she mixed up the names of her pets, something her daughter. noticed with alarm and then one day she couldn’t remember where the light switches were in the house she had lived in for years.

Her doctor believed she had the same condition that killed her mother: Alzheimer’s-Dementia, could it be stopped, even reversed? Or was her life over?

The answer may surprise you… Barbara Ann met a remarkable doctor who was doing something revolutionary in the field this doctor knew that the established medical treatment — drug therapy — mainly targeted just one aspect of the problem… and it was no solution, It’s like having 30 holes in your roof,” he said, “but you’re fixing just one. No matter how well you patch that one hole, you’ve got 29 more, so the problem just gets worse.

What is Alzheimer’s-Dementia?

I think it’s important to begin here, so you’ll understand that you have nothing to fear… that, in fact, you can prevent, stop, and even reverse this disease, alzheimer’s starts as an inflammatory immune response that creates plaques around damaged neural cells,Basically, it’s a repair action that has gone awry typically under conditions of prolonged stresses, these stresses can be from brain-harming foods, from many popular prescription drugs, and from simply not giving your brain the good fats and proteins it needs to thrive.

This last problem is very common. I can’t tell you how many of my patients have brains that are starving for brain-healthy FAT! we can easily correct that, as you’ll see in a moment. But first, for younger people, clearing these brain plaques is easy… it’s part of a routine healing process but as we age this becomes much harder to do. And yet, if these plaques aren’t cleared, they will grow larger and start to tangle the neural fibers what’s more, chronic body inflammation — also very common in our advanced years — will make these plaques worse. And that’s why I’m going to show you how to fix that today, too but first, let me show you what happens if your neural pathways get gummed up with plaques and tangled fibers, neurons are brain cells that send signals to other cells — things like move your hand… remember that date… feel hot and cold.

The information travels from one cell to another across a neural connection called a synapse. And communication across the synapses is made possible by brain chemicals called neurotransmitters, now, don’t worry, I’m not going to give you a biology lesson. And, in fact, to make this easy…

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