NeuroGum is a sugar-free, nootropic energy gum. Nootropics are a class of compounds that improve one or more aspects of mental function such as working memory, motivation, and attention. NeuroGum uses ingredients shown to give your brain the boost it needs to function at its best. The first gum to utilize the effectiveness of nootropics along with natural ingredients scientifically proven to enhance cognition, NeuroGum helps unlock your potential by delivering ingredients that improve concentration, alertness, memory and overall cognition. All of this in a tasty gum that’s aspartame free.




It turns out that Dr. Oz isn’t the only one chewing NeuroGum. Athletes to celebrities are all raving about this coffee alternative. “I chew this during games. It truly gives me an edge. I feel like I have hyper focus” says Travis Johnson, a power forward for Pepperdine University. “I hope they don’t ban this, it’s so good!”. You don’t have to worry about a ban anytime soon,  NeuroGum is 100% natural and by no means a PID even though it can feel that way at times of extreme mental focus and clarity.

We put NeuroGum to the test

Good House Keeping got a hold of a pack of NeuroGum and wanted to see if it really lived up the hype. We took NeuroGum for a test drive and here is what we found:

Here is what NeuroGum claimed on their website…

  • Gain New Energy

  • Improve Focus

  • Increase Memeory

  • Mental Clarity